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The Appreciative Way
Enabling Innovation at the Speed of Life          

The Appreciative Way

The Appreciative Way
Discover the essentials of the
Appreciative Way in this fast
read format book by Rob and
Kim Voyle.

>>  View Contents

Restoring Hope

Restoring Hope

This manual provides practical strategies to effectively resolve grief and resentment.


Conferences and Break out Sessions

  • Dr. Rob Voyle is available to present Keynote and Breakout sessions.
  • He can adapt the Appreciative Way to meet your needs in practical, humorous, and transformational ways.
      Email Dr. Rob Voyle to schedule Conferences and Workshops

Conference Topics

These programs are provided for retreats, workshops, and conferences.
They can be adapted as stand alone programs or as shorter breakout sessions at larger conferences. Please see the programs for more details.

Breakout Sessions

Publicity Information for Dr. Rob Voyle

If you have scheduled Dr. Voyle for a conference you can access Biography, Photos and Program Descriptions for use in your brochures and program catalogues.

What Participants Say

Rob's training is full of heart, wit, and passion. E.R. Executive Coach

Rob's appreciative coach training helped me to rethink the way I approach and provide therapy; Thanks! Dr. George Moses, Pastoral Counselor